Let’s Explore
Welcome To Hamilton
Hamilton is a port city in the province of Ontario. With a growing population of well over half a million, it forms part of the GTHA (Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area) and is located about 45 km southwest of Toronto. Hamilton is divided into 4 areas: East Hamilton, West Hamilton, Mountain and Centre. As a result of an amalgamation in 2001, it also spans over 5 neighbouring communities: Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough, Glanbrook and Stoney Creek. With neighbouring cities of Burlington and Grimsby, Hamilton provides a rich and vibrant environment to live in. It is home to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Dundurn Castle, McMaster University, The Heritage Warplane Museum, the Bruce Trail and many other unique landmarks.
Karolina Zanon
Karolina is experienced with investment properties and has owned several in the last decade. She is very excited and passionate about her journey as a Realtor. Karolina is also an avid investor in the stock market, enjoys experimenting with cooking and loves to travel. Presently lives in Stoney Creek with her family.
(905) 317-3934